The enemy keeps getting wickeder


The Rothschilds want to play hardball on the Santa Clara case. For the Los Angeles and San Mateo cases they also played hardball. For all three criminal cases against me they used the lowest level prosecutors and had them play hardball on frivolous charges. Fine I will play hardball on the Ukraine case. I will play hardball on the 9/11 case. I will play hardball on the WW II case. I will play hardball on the 3/11 case. I will play hardball on the Global Financial Crisis case. I will play hardball on the War on Terror case. I will play hardball on War on Drugs case. I was play hardball on the Great Depression case. I will play hardball on the speed limits case. I will play hardball on the Federal Reserve case. I will play hardball on the Holocaust case. I will play hardball on crimes against humanity. I will play hardball on terrorism. I will play hardball on human rights violations. I will play hardball on corruption. I will play hardball on bribery. I will play hardball on Satan worshiping. I will play hardball on contempt of Allah. I will play hardball on insider trading. I will play hardball on market manipulation. I will play hardball on treason.

The Rothschilds have ordered Putin to invade Ukraine. The Rothschilds control all of the countries involved in the war. All sides worship the Rothschilds and hate God. The Rothschilds stand to make tens of trillions from cornering stock, currency, bond and commodity markets. They have all the nations on their knees by controlling everyone’s money. I wanted to note how unfair the legal system is in the World. In the United States if you steal more than $1000 generally you go to jail for a year. But the Rothschilds in this case are stealing more than $10 trillion and they are not even spending a day in jail. Beyond that they are killing 10,000+ people from this event. Simple math argues that each Rothschild should be locked up for at least 10 million years if the system was applied fairly. The Quran says authority is in wicked hands until Jesus(me) brings justice. This isn’t the first time the Rothschilds have done foul play either. Think about 9/11, War on Terror, World War I, World War II, Indian Ocean earthquake, Japan earthquake and many more events.

I have absolutely no trust in the system. It is totally broken. It makes no sense we spend $100K imprisoning a person for a year because they steal $1,000. But when the Rothschilds steal $10 trillion+ all of the elite worships them more because the Rothschilds suddenly control the supply of their stocks, bonds, currencies and commodities. The Bible and Quran says love of money is the root of all evil. They say money worshiping and wealth accumulation is evil. I wanted to note the news is completely manipulated and it always has been. Everything mainstream on finance is misleading and that is why 95% of people lose on markets. I am going to have to say, I am being charged for solely verbal offenses of annoying people. I face 50 years in jail. But I never had the intent of stealing money with my verbal offenses. The legal system is being applied unfairly. Wicked people control the system. The people that do the gravest crimes are being worshiped.

My view on markets is that they will rocket for a long time. The weak supply has been shaken out and absorbed by strong hands. You can notice stocks are moving higher on bad news now. Strong hands sell on good news and buy on bad news. You don’t want to sell stocks until the news is very good. The S&P has had a sharp 7% bounce back after panic lows following the Ukraine invasion. The news was tremendously bearish for months. Accumulation and distribution on stocks takes months. The news for the last 3 months has been focusing on coronavirus surges, inflation fears, central bank rate hikes and Russia-Ukraine tensions. You want to buy on bad news. I have high weightage on bitcoin and big tech companies. I like Google, Apple and Tesla particularly. As long as the news is negative markets will keep climbing the wall of worry. Anyways life in India is really fun.

The Quran says I will become ruler of the World. The Quran says all prophets face persecution and rejection. The Quran says all prophets are victorious over their enemies. The Quran says Judgement Day is guaranteed. The Quran says the victory of the righteous over the wicked is guaranteed. The Quran says the wicked, miscreants and cowards will not go to Paradise. The Quran says Allah is infinitely more powerful than Satan. The Quran says Allah is all knowing, all powerful and all present. The Quran says those closest to Allah will be guided to the best destiny. The Quran says those closest to Allah will face hardship as a test of faith. The Quran says nothing can change the destiny set by Allah. The Quran says Satan can only harm a person with the permission of Allah. I should note the Rothcshilds know they are wicked and take pride in it. They show no remorse for their activities.

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