Bill Gates is satanic filth

Bill Gates steals over $300,000 from me a second. I respond by cursing him over googol dollars a second. Allah is infinite of Satan. I will not accept anything below a public apology. If he doesn’t give a public apology, torturing and humiliating his family will be more euphoric, severe and earlier. I win either ... Read More

Ritika Dutta cases victory…

Bill Gates played hardball on the cases thinking my spirit would crash and he could escape punishment. My mathematical models show my spirit rapidly accelerated to infinity and I am cursing him over googol times more. Allah is infinite of Satan. I represent Allah. Bill Gates represents Satan. INSHALLAH!!! ALLAHU AKBAR!!!

Googol+ dollars damage a second

Below is $100 billion compounded over 3000(1 millionth of 3B) years at 8% per annum: 5 years has about 157M seconds:

Amazing Quran verses

“Do not be envious of what We have given to some people as means of enjoyment and worldly delight. Such means are a trial for them, but the reward that you will receive from your Lord will be far better and everlasting.” -Quran “With Us is the source of everything and We do not send ... Read More

The enemy doesn’t stand a chance…

On June 1, 2016 a shooting occurred at UCLA by Mainak Sarkar against a William Klug. Mainak Sarkar is a Bengali Hindu(like me) and went to IIT Karaghpur(as me and Ritika’s dad), Stanford(as Ritika, Phoebe Gates and Jenn Gates), and UCLA(as I did). Mainak Sarkar alleged that William Klug stole his intellectual property and gave ... Read More

Satanists losing at record pace…

The “all-knowing, all-correct, all-powerful” 13 Cowardly Filthy Satanic Bloodlines. Hiding behind anonymous names, coward pawns, false authority with $2 badges and backing off as broke con mans. Having a 100% backfire rate on everything they do. Greater the Pride, Greater the Fall. The Losers of Humanity. The Loser of the Loser of the Losers. The ... Read More

How I would run USA(updated again)

Firstly I would eliminate all previous taxes and replace them with a 2% wealth tax, $3 per gallon gas tax and 10% VAT. I would abolish the Federal Reserve. I would eliminate psychiatry, speed limits, gun laws, drug laws. I would limit military expenditure to 1% of GDP(75% cut from current levels). I would have ... Read More

The Devil is destined to lose

The Satanists just never give up. On October 15, 2024, they went on the offensive. It was the 6-year anniversary of Bill Gates torturing and killing Paul Allen for giving me assistance. Paul Allen’s birthday is in my house address, and I moved in the day he was on 60 Minutes and his book was ... Read More

Markets are climbing the wall of worry

Israel is fighting a 4-front war, war is raging in Ukraine, China is threatening to take Taiwan, and half the economists are calling for a recession. The news is very negative, yet markets are basically at all-time highs. We won’t see a meaningful top until there is capitulation, an upthrust, a buying climax and distribution. ... Read More