Ritika Dutta services…

I was held on 1157 days of prison credits for committing Penal Code 646 of California statute against Ritika Dutta, Shamik Mascharak and Srijita Sarkar. Penal Code 646 states that anyone who annoys another person can be held for up to 6 years in prison. I wanted to note at no point did I ever ... Read More

Raisi helicopter crash

The Raisi helicopter crash is related to Kobe Bryant death, Flight 1380, Da Vinci Code movie, San Bernardino massacre, Ray Kurzweil and Sandy Hook massacre. I have a update to when Judgement Day takes place. It will take place at any point before I turn 34(October 5, 2024). Anyways, things are going very well. I ... Read More

King of the World soon…

Judgement Day from the Bible and Quran soon. Either May 24 or June 14. Aliens will turn hostile and enforce my rule. I live the luckiest life ever. Bill Gates is the unluckiest man ever. The best option he has in his life at this point is to give a public apology and murder-suicide his ... Read More


I tortured and killed Bill Gates’s mom and dad. I cursed him over 5 billion man years damage. I cursed his family and friends with terminal illnesses. Bill Gates is too scared to confront me about it. He worships Satan, while I worship Allah. Allah is infinite of Satan.

Striking back infinitely stronger

Amelia Diedrich, Aaron French, Norms Shapiro, Jeffrey Finegan, Michael Sussinian, Arka Advaryu, Shamik Mascharak, Steven La Berg, Ritika Dutta, Charlie Wilson, Benjamin Netanyahu and many others taught me to always play hardball. Allah is infinite of Satan. I strike back infinitely stronger. I should note the Israelis are striking back 50 times harder on Palestinians. ... Read More

Becoming a better person

I used to be a very disrespectful person. I used to disrespect people for being old, stupid, ugly or poor. I used to very stuck up. I am not like that anymore. These last 13 years have been very interesting. I am a much better person than before. I used to worship money and say ... Read More


I tortured and killed Biden son. I cursed his family and friends with terminal illnesses. He is too scared to confront me about it. Biden worships Satan while I worship Allah. Allah is infinite of Satan.

World War III starts soon…

If I die for Iran, I get eternal bliss with 72 virgins, 82000 servants and a golden mansion. If I die for Israel, I get eternal blaze with infinite torment and suffering. I am calling that within 2 months 99.9% of people will be dead and in hell. Worshiping the Devil/Satan/Anti-Christ is like paying a ... Read More

The enemy keeps on becoming a bigger joke

“ The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 6 And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once ... Read More