
Jesus Christ(Prophethood starting “soon”). Most written about person in the Bible and Quran.

Recent Posts

  • Tech stocks going through a shakeout
    Shakeout, selling climax and accumulation conditions. Note the volume surges in USD, SMH, /NQ. Now is a very good time to buy. They will go much higher.
  • Covid damages
    The virus has done on an actuarial basis at minimum $60 trillion dollars damage over the last 5 years. I ordered the release of the virus in response to my persecution. The actuarial damage from the virus is a measure of my opportunity loss from persecution since the Norway Massacre. I should note my statistical models imply that hurricanes, pandemics, plane crashes, train crashes, shootings, fires and solar flares, are based on me by 99.999999999999999%+ certainty. I believe if the Satanists didn’t persecute me since the Norway Massacre, I would have been number one on Forbes for the last 10+ … Read more
  • Long QTUM
    Target 200 within 12 months. Shakeout, selling climax, accumulation.
  • Happy New Years
    2024 was the best year ever and 2025 will be massively better. We are headed to singularity soon. Infinity is the destination. I feel like my life is getting better at an accelerating pace. I think there is a high chance that 2025 will be googols times better than the rest of my life combined. Judgement Day is coming. It will catch practically everyone by surprise. I know I have been wrong about a dozen times on the timing of Judgement Day. There will be balance in the Universe. The righteous will be rewarded and the wicked will be punished. … Read more
  • Long QTUM and USD. Target 10,000.
    Target 10,000 within 5 years. Target 10,000 within 5 years.
  • Quantum computing is best investment now…
    Recently Google announced breakthrough results in their quantum computing research. The 105 qubit chip Willow was able to do calculations that would take the most powerful supercomputer over 10^25 years. This is a remarkable improvement of million quadrillion(10^21) fold over the last 5 years. What is even better is that they demonstrated much better error correction. I expect that the results will be improving at an accelerating pace. The next 5 years we can easily see quantum computers becoming googol(10^100) fold more powerful with even better error correction. I recommend that people have the following portfolio of 18 quantum computing … Read more
  • Overpowering “authorities”…
    The Satanists can’t harm my bones or flesh. I have been predestined for 13.8+ billion years to do things infinitely more cruel than CRUCIFIXION to them. I represent Allah, they represent Satan. Allah is infinite of Satan. INSHALLAH!!! ALLAHU AKBAR!!! Quran: And the disbelievers made a plan ˹against Jesus˺, but Allah also planned—and Allah is the best of planners. Quran: Indeed, those who disbelieve in Our verses – We will drive them into a Fire. Every time their skins are roasted through We will replace them with other skins so they may taste the punishment. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted … Read more
  • Buy TSLA, target 1000
    Accumulation, shake out, selling climax. Elon Musk will get richer at an accelerating pace as we approach singularity. Larry Page, Sergey Brin and Mark Zuckerberg too.
  • Markets showing strength now
    The volumes on SPX futures on the way down December 18 were too extreme. They show selling climax, accumulation and shakeout conditions. You will want to aggressively buy weakness. The DOW had the longest losing streak since October 1974, it made a major low then.
  • Markets showing weakness
    The market is showing evidence of buying climax, distribution and no professional demand. SPY is rising on the thinnest 2 week volumes since July 8 2024. /ES is rising on thinnest 2 week volumes since December 27 2021. You will want to sell strength aggressively. I see at least a 10% correction from here. 5400 on /ES is a good target for now. On another note, I think Donald Trump’s policies will be highly inflationary and very bad for the global economy. The tariffs and deportations are very stupid.
  • Bill Gates is satanic filth
    Bill Gates steals over $300,000 from me a second. I respond by cursing him over googol dollars a second. Allah is infinite of Satan. I will not accept anything below a public apology. If he doesn’t give a public apology, torturing and humiliating his family will be more euphoric, severe and earlier. I win either way. Bill Gates hides like a coward behind anonymous names, coward pawns, black magic and $2 badges.
  • Ritika Dutta cases victory…
    Bill Gates played hardball on the cases thinking my spirit would crash and he could escape punishment. My mathematical models show my spirit rapidly accelerated to infinity and I am cursing him over googol times more. Allah is infinite of Satan. I represent Allah. Bill Gates represents Satan. INSHALLAH!!! ALLAHU AKBAR!!!
  • Googol+ dollars damage a second
    Below is $100 billion compounded over 3000(1 millionth of 3B) years at 8% per annum: 5 years has about 157M seconds:
  • Amazing Quran verses
    “Do not be envious of what We have given to some people as means of enjoyment and worldly delight. Such means are a trial for them, but the reward that you will receive from your Lord will be far better and everlasting.” -Quran “With Us is the source of everything and We do not send it down except in a known quantity.” -Quran “The life of this world is alluring to those who reject faith, and they scoff at those who believe. But the righteous will be above them on the Day of Resurrection; for Allah bestows His abundance without … Read more
  • The enemy doesn’t stand a chance…
    On June 1, 2016 a shooting occurred at UCLA by Mainak Sarkar against a William Klug. Mainak Sarkar is a Bengali Hindu(like me) and went to IIT Karaghpur(as me and Ritika’s dad), Stanford(as Ritika, Phoebe Gates and Jenn Gates), and UCLA(as I did). Mainak Sarkar alleged that William Klug stole his intellectual property and gave it to another student. I should note Bill Gates’s long form first name is William. Bill Gates’s mother’s name is Mary. William Klug’s mother’s name is Mary. I have been alleging since 2012 that Bill Gates stole in excess of $66 billion in intellectual property … Read more
  • Satanists losing at record pace…
    The “all-knowing, all-correct, all-powerful” 13 Cowardly Filthy Satanic Bloodlines. Hiding behind anonymous names, coward pawns, false authority with $2 badges and backing off as broke con mans. Having a 100% backfire rate on everything they do. Greater the Pride, Greater the Fall. The Losers of Humanity. The Loser of the Loser of the Losers. The Cowards of Humanity. The Coward of the Coward of the Cowards. Setup to be mocked, insulted, humiliated and hated for ALL ETERNITY!!!!! Allah can see everything in the past, present and future. Satan can only see the present moment. Allah limits and controls Satan. Allah can bind Satan. Satan can only harm a person with the … Read more
  • How I would run USA(updated again)
    Firstly I would eliminate all previous taxes and replace them with a 2% wealth tax, $3 per gallon gas tax and 10% VAT. I would abolish the Federal Reserve. I would eliminate psychiatry, speed limits, gun laws, drug laws. I would limit military expenditure to 1% of GDP(75% cut from current levels). I would have $20K per year funding for 15 years of education for each child(K-12 grades, 2 years college). If they opt out of public education, they get a voucher. I would have nationalized healthcare. If they opt out of nationalized healthcare, they get a voucher. I would … Read more
  • The Devil is destined to lose
    The Satanists just never give up. On October 15, 2024, they went on the offensive. It was the 6-year anniversary of Bill Gates torturing and killing Paul Allen for giving me assistance. Paul Allen’s birthday is in my house address, and I moved in the day he was on 60 Minutes and his book was published. In his book and on 60 Minutes, he noted that Bill Gates tried to dilute his shares to zero when he was diagnosed with a terminal illness. Paul Allen died when I turned 10/28 old and Bill Gates’s birthday is 10/28. Anyways let me … Read more
  • Markets are climbing the wall of worry
    Israel is fighting a 4-front war, war is raging in Ukraine, China is threatening to take Taiwan, and half the economists are calling for a recession. The news is very negative, yet markets are basically at all-time highs. We won’t see a meaningful top until there is capitulation, an upthrust, a buying climax and distribution. We have to see extreme bullish sentiment and good news for a top to be in place. Major tops require months of distribution and massive price exhaustion upwards on good news. There is very little floating supply in weak hands when the market refuses to … Read more
  • Short Oil, Target $10
    Upthrust, buying climax, distribution.
  • Satanists are becoming a bigger joke…
    Everything the Satanists do instantly backfires. That is the trend over the last 13 years since the Norway massacre. They act all-knowing and all-powerful cause they hide like cowards. On August 3 2024, Justin Le Blanc claimed that markets made a “generational high”. If I would have shorted the SPX 500 at the next market open, at most it would have gone 13 points in my favor and then gone against me by over 500 points. This was the shittiest trading call I have ever seen. Justin Le Blanc continued to insist a dozen times over the next few weeks … Read more
  • Bill Coward Gates. The Coward of Humanity.
    I tortured and killed Bill Gates’ mom and dad. I cursed him over 5 billion man years damage. I cursed his friends and family with terminal illnesses. He is too scared to confront me about it. He worships Satan, I worship Allah. Allah is infinite of Satan. Bill Gates acts all knowing and all powerful because he hides as a coward. He keeps on disparaging himself, his family and his friends. He keeps on becoming a bigger joke each second. Everything he does instantly backfires. Greater the pride, greater the fall. Bill Gates is the unluckiest person ever born. I … Read more
  • Aliens turning hostile “soon”
    “For though we live in the flesh, we do not wage war according to the flesh. 4The weapons of our warfare are not the weapons of the world. Instead, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5We tear down arguments and every presumption set up against the knowledge of God; and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 6And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, as soon as your obedience is complete.” -Bible
  • 13 Cowardly Filthy Satanic Bloodlines
    The 13 Cowardly Filthy Satanic Bloodlines have over $300 trillion. They control all the central banks, courts, governments, militaries and corporations. They are behind all the wars, terrorist attacks, and the JFK assassination. Allah is infinite of Satan. The Bible, Quran and Muhammad predict I kill the Satanic bloodlines and become King of the World. The Satanists are dead scared of me and my religious beliefs. They value a man year at above $10 billion. I am cursing them over 20 man years a second. That implies I am cursing them over $200 billion a second. Justin Le Blanc called … Read more
  • Justin Le Blanc joke
    Basically, markets are right now going through a selling climax, shake out and accumulation. You will notice that SMH fell the most last week since March 2020 and QQQ since October 2022. Notice how they made important lows those times and then accelerated much higher. This is climactic price action and indicates that smart money is accumulating floating supply. I am still maintaining that buying down bars looks very attractive. Recently I got into an argument with Justin Le Blanc again. He kept harping over 4 wrong trading calls I made publicly. I pointed out out to him that I … Read more
  • Markets showing significant strength
    On Tuesday tech stocks crashed the most since September 2022. Despite the significant daily movement on Tuesday there was very thin volumes. This indicates that there is lack of supply in the markets. The move on Tuesday was a shakeout for smart money to accumulate more floating supply. This is not the start of a bear market. The actions of the markets show significant strength. We will go a lot higher over the coming months.
  • Going for maximum punishment
    Sick lies 13 years old are still being used against me. Sick lies 80 years old are still being used against the Germans(Holocaust). Sick lies 23 years old are still being used against the Muslims(911). I have every right and reason to play hardball on the truth. Recently Bill Gates sent Justin Le Blanc to try to crash my spirit by inventing sick lies and insults about me. There is not even the slightest sense of remorse from the Satanists. They keep getting more and more wicked. They think it is cool being wicked. At minimum I expect Bill Gates … Read more
  • 4777 days since Norway massacre…
    I have overpowered the authorities and Satanic bloodlines. The Quran states that Satan will have no authority over a few of Allah’s chosen servants. The Satanists absolutely abhor religion. The fact of the matter is that the Satanists seriously think they can avoid Hell and go to Heaven by being as wicked as possible. The Satanists thought by waging guerrilla warfare against me they would be able to crash my spirit. Anyways, I am so thankful for living such a lucky life. Everything the Satanists have thrown at me has instantly backfired on them. They continue missing every dart they … Read more
  • Markets experiencing shake out
    This is not the start of a bear market. We are experiencing climactic selling, accumulation and shake out conditions. Down bars are being bought up heavily by professional money. Retailers are panic selling. Look at /ES, /NQ, SMH, QQQ and SPY volumes surging. This is amazing buying opportunity, particularly on SMH.
  • Buy weakness in technology
    Buy SMH. Climactic selling, accumulation, shake out. Hold for long term.
  • Muslims mobilizing for World War III…
    Really interesting things going on lately. Muslims will start hunting down Jews globally soon and publicly support me. I believe Bill Gates will murder suicide his family when this happens. The San Fransisco, San Jose, Indianapolis, Wisconsin, Sandy Hook, Thousand Oaks, Las Vegas, Krishna Rajaram, Seattle, Santa Barbara and Virginia Tech massacres show that Bill Gates will murder suicide his family. Overall, things are going really well. I am living a lot in the moment, but I am mindful of the future. Food is very good and doing full body workouts and cardio every day. I feel luckier than ever. … Read more
  • Cowards cruising on 100% backfire rate…
    Everything the Satanists have thrown at me the last 13 years instantly backfires on them. They act all knowing and all powerful because they hide like cowards. I wanted to point out that my persecution started around the time of the Norway massacre. Since then I have been enslaved. The Satanists think I don’t deserve a millionth of what I earn because I am righteous. They have a sick sense of ethics. The Norway shooter is born on February 13 1979, 7 months 22 days 11 years before I was born. I was born at 7:22 AM October 5 1990. … Read more
  • Enemies getting dumber at an accelerating pace…
    Basically the Satanists are scared I can overpower them with my religious views. They just had Justin Le Blanc tell a bunch of big lies to me to try to crash my spirit and discourage my religious views. Instead my religious views have been strengthened. I will point out he fabricated the following big lies about me: All 7 of these are BIG LIES. I am nowhere close to jealous of him. He is bottom millionth Satanic filth and I am top billionth Christ blood. My intellectual, trading abilities, protection, ethics, work habits and success are in the top billionth. … Read more
  • 11th imprisonment soon
    Things are heating up a little bit. I am sensing that I will be imprisoned soon. The Iranians will soon publicly support me. Iran will soon have a new President and Foreign Minister. I killed their previous President and Foreign Minister in May because they took bribes from Satanists and refused to publicly support me. Muslims will uprise globally and start a genocide of Jews after the Iranians go public about my persecution over the last 13 years. Muhammad said 1400 years ago that Jews will be massacred globally before Muslims make me King of the World. One thing to … Read more
  • Markets will crash soon
    Markets are rising on 4 year low volumes. Distribution, professional supply, no demand, buying climax.
  • Continued persecution…
    Basically, Bill Gates stole billions of dollars of intellectual property from me and then put me into the mental health system at the age of 21. He did this so that no one would believe what I was saying. I was placed into the mental health system the day of Facebook IPO. The IPO valuation was $105B, a reference to my birthday October 5. The police have told my family innumerable times that I must cooperate with the psychiatrists or else I will be put into prison. The psychiatrists told my family innumerable times that I must cooperate with the … Read more
  • Markets will crash soon
    QQQ and SPY are rising on thinnest volumes in 3 years these last 2 weeks. Retail buying, no demand, professional supply, distribution.
    I tortured and killed Bill Gates’ mom and dad. I cursed him over 5 billion man years damage. I cursed his friends and family with terminal illnesses. He is too scared to confront me about it. He worships Satan, I worship Allah. Allah is infinite of Satan. Bill Gates acts all knowing and all powerful because he hides as a coward. He keeps on disparaging himself, his family and his friends. He keeps on becoming a bigger joke each second. Everything he does instantly backfires. Greater the pride, greater the fall. Bill Gates is the unluckiest person ever born. I … Read more
  • Ritika Dutta services…
    I was held on 1157 days of prison credits for committing Penal Code 646 of California statute against Ritika Dutta, Shamik Mascharak and Srijita Sarkar. Penal Code 646 states that anyone who annoys another person can be held for up to 6 years in prison. I wanted to note at no point did I ever violate the victims’ free will. I never tortured, humiliated, stole, imprisoned or casted black magic against them. These things were done to me extensively by the United States government. The statute was used to subvert my first amendment rights on freedom of speech and beliefs. … Read more
  • Raisi helicopter crash
    The Raisi helicopter crash is related to Kobe Bryant death, Flight 1380, Da Vinci Code movie, San Bernardino massacre, Ray Kurzweil and Sandy Hook massacre. I have a update to when Judgement Day takes place. It will take place at any point before I turn 34(October 5, 2024). Anyways, things are going very well. I feel luckier and happier than ever. You guys do recall the Kobe Bryant helicopter crash happened just right before the pandemic took off. The Raisi helicopter crash indicates that we are going into important cycle times. Raisi helicopter crashed on 18-year anniversary of Da Vinci … Read more
  • King of the World soon…
    Judgement Day from the Bible and Quran soon. Either May 24 or June 14. Aliens will turn hostile and enforce my rule. I live the luckiest life ever. Bill Gates is the unluckiest man ever. The best option he has in his life at this point is to give a public apology and murder-suicide his family. 99.9% will go to Hell and the top .1% will go to Heaven.
    I tortured and killed Bill Gates’s mom and dad. I cursed him over 5 billion man years damage. I cursed his family and friends with terminal illnesses. Bill Gates is too scared to confront me about it. He worships Satan, while I worship Allah. Allah is infinite of Satan.
  • Striking back infinitely stronger
    Amelia Diedrich, Aaron French, Norms Shapiro, Jeffrey Finegan, Michael Sussinian, Arka Advaryu, Shamik Mascharak, Steven La Berg, Ritika Dutta, Charlie Wilson, Benjamin Netanyahu and many others taught me to always play hardball. Allah is infinite of Satan. I strike back infinitely stronger. I should note the Israelis are striking back 50 times harder on Palestinians. The virus shows at minimum I should strike back billion times harder on my enemies.
  • Becoming a better person
    I used to be a very disrespectful person. I used to disrespect people for being old, stupid, ugly or poor. I used to very stuck up. I am not like that anymore. These last 13 years have been very interesting. I am a much better person than before. I used to worship money and say things like “I am not giving a cent to charity”. But now I plan and have given all of my income to charity. I used to want to be the next Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg. Now I am the total opposite of that. I … Read more
    I tortured and killed Biden son. I cursed his family and friends with terminal illnesses. He is too scared to confront me about it. Biden worships Satan while I worship Allah. Allah is infinite of Satan.
  • World War III starts soon…
    If I die for Iran, I get eternal bliss with 72 virgins, 82000 servants and a golden mansion. If I die for Israel, I get eternal blaze with infinite torment and suffering. I am calling that within 2 months 99.9% of people will be dead and in hell. Worshiping the Devil/Satan/Anti-Christ is like paying a piece of filth googol+ dollars to break your bones millions of times.
  • The enemy keeps on becoming a bigger joke
    “ The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 6 And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete.” -Bible Everything the enemy throws at me instantly backfires. They act all-knowing and all-powerful cause they hide like cowards. Aliens wrote the Bible and Quran. Aliens are referred to as “angels” in scripture. The Universe is a simulation in a computer. … Read more
  • Cursing British Royals
    I cursed at least four British royals with terminal illnesses this year. I continue to give their friends and their families terminal illnesses. They are too scared to confront me about it. They have Satanic blood, I have Christ blood. Allah is infinite of Satan.
  • Biden is INFERIOR to me
    I tortured and killed Biden’s son. I cursed his family and friends with terminal illnesses. He is too scared to confront me about it. He worships Satan, I worship Allah. Allah is infinite of Satan.
  • Bill Gates is inferior to me
    He has Satanic blood while I have Chirst blood. Allah is infinite of Satan.
    I tortured and killed Bill Gates’s mom and dad. I cursed his family and friends with terminal illnesses. I am cursing him 30 man years a second. He is too scared to confront me about it. He worships Satan, I worship Allah. Allah is infinite of Satan.
  • Bill Gates will murder suicide his family soon
    Recently there was a British royal suicide with the name Thomas Henry Kingston. His mother’s name was Mary and father’s name William. Bill Gates middle name is Henry, father name is William and mother name is Mary. Also Bill and Thomas fathers are both lawyers. This is roughly 1 in 100 million odds for similarity of elements.
  • Satanic Cowards losing at record pace
    Everything they throw at me instantly backfires. This is over millions of things since the Norway massacre. The enemy acts all knowing and all powerful because they hide like cowards. Allah is infinite of Satan. I have very limited internet access because of some issues with Indian authorities. This is the final stretch before judgement day. From a statistical point of view the chances of the enemy winning is less than 1 in quadrillion odds. They thought these last 12 years they could crash my spirit. My spirit has rocketed quadrillions fold. I am maintaining that May 24 2024 will … Read more
  • Capital Crimes: Islamic Law vs Satanic Law
    According to the Quran the following are capital crimes: 1. Corruption 2. Black magic 3. Inventing lies about Allah 4. Religious persecution of a Muslim The United States, Satanic Bloodlines and more have been doing these activities towards me innumerable times(like thousands of times a day). They continue to do these and play victim when I respond back. I should note that the Quran states Allah is infinite of Satan. I believe the virus is showing that I am cursing my enemies billions(likely much more) times more. I have given numerous warnings. Anyways, I think I have given enough chances. My … Read more
  • 11th imprisonment soon
    Things are heating up. Satanists are planning to hospitalize me for refusing to worship the Devil. Watch news closely. Muslims are getting ready to mobilize. I can telepath with mahdi, Allah, aliens and more. Everything the enemy does backfires. Effort vs result and law of large numbers. Allah is infinite of satan.
  • Everything the enemy does instantly backfires…
    So basically, the last 4 years I have been cursing Bill Coward Gates over 30 man years per second. The Sandy Hook, Las Vegas, Seattle Cafe Racer, Wisconsin Sikh temple, Wisconsin brewery, Krishna Rajaram, Seattle flyer, Virginia Tech, Maine, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles dance studio incidences and more indicate that Bill Gates will murder suicide his family. Bill Gates is the unluckiest man ever born. Greater the pride, greater the fall. They keep asking me how much money I want and who I want to have sex with. They keep highlighting Taylor Swift, Emma Watson, Bella Thorne, Natalie Portman, Tom … Read more
  • Cowards losing at record pace…
    Everyday they mock me 100’s of times behind cover identities and anonymous names. Every time my enemies use a cover identity or anonymous name, that is a weakness on their part. When they delete that identity, it is even further showing weakness. In 4 days, the British Royal Family has announced a third person getting a major illness. Assuming they announce a major illness once every 3 years, there is a 1 in 20M odds they would announce 3 major illnesses in 4 days. This means once every 225,125 years they would announce 3 major illnesses within 4 days. Anyways, … Read more
  • Allah is infinite of Satan
    So basically, high-level Satanists are being cursed with terminal illnesses. There are roughly 2000 high-level Satanists. Most of them are very elusive and secretive. About 1000 Rothschilds, 500 Rockefellers and 500 others. I recently cursed the British royal family with terminal illnesses. King Charles and Princess Catherine are now hospitalised. Their health situation is a lot worse than what is stated publicly. This is also a sign that Charles Rothschild(the Devil) and Jennifer Catherine(Bill Gates’s daughter) will sustain injuries soon from the Muslims. Everything is going well on my part. I am seeing the enemies get very desperate. They keep … Read more
  • Tesla is going to 2000 within 2 years
  • Saving for retirement
    Made a guide to help people save for retirement.
  • The power of prayer
    Over the last 6 years, in response to growing persecution, I have started praying significantly. My prayer particularly started after the Ritika Dutta cases. Until then, I pretty much never prayed. As a result of her cases I was imprisoned for 3 years. My spirit has rapidly accelerated towards infinity from the cases, when the enemies thought it would collapse. I estimate that the amount of prayer I have done has been at around 7,000+ hours. My story is similar to Prophet Job. Prophet Job overcame Satan by praying. Also, the enemies have shown thousands of times fear of me … Read more
  • Japan earthquake and airliner crash
    Okay, so the last time we had such a major earthquake in Japan was in March 2011. 2 months before I joined the Dukascopy Trader Contest and started breaking records in FX trading. I believe this is a sign that soon I will start to do public miracles soon. The Japan airliner crash was rather interesting. Flight number 516 is a reference to Illuminati birthday(May 1) and Satanic lucky number 6. Furthermore, the tail number of the airliner was 13(a reference to Satanic bloodlines). On another note, the 367 passengers is a reference to Ritika Dutta(she turns 367 months around … Read more
  • Selling shares. Looking for investors.
    Hello, I’m willing to sell 1% of my shares for $21M. Full valuation is $3T+. The investment will be tax deductible and profits will be tax free. A foundation and offshore hedge fund will be used. 90%+ of profits will go to charity. Let me know if interested. I am looking to give out over $50T to charity over the next 10 years. To put into perspective that is over 500 times what Bill Gates plans to give out. I only deal with Muslims that want to exterminate Satanism and Zionism.
  • Very good year
    Overall this was the best year ever. Very magical. I estimate I got about 4000+ hours of prayer credits this year. I read the Quran practically everyday. I experience magic continuously. The virus did about $11+ trillion actuarial damage this year. There was a $3+ trillion loss from shutdowns. There was a $2+ trillion loss from extra interest and inflation from covid stimulus plans. There was a $3+ trillion loss from 30+ million people getting permanent organ damage from the virus. There was a $3+ trillion loss from 3+ million people dying prematurely from the virus. The virus is doing … Read more
  • The Jews love to lie AS BIG AS POSSIBLE
    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_lie “All this was inspired by the principle – which is quite true within itself – that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods.It would never come into their heads to fabricate … Read more
  • Prague shooting, Satanists losing at rapidly accelerating pace
    “Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment,” -Quran Basically, the Prague shooting at Charles University indicates that my enemies will die soon. Charles Rothschild is the name of the Devil. The shooter is 24 and looks exactly like Rory … Read more
  • Buy USA markets at 12/21/23 open
    Shakeout on day before. Absorption volumes. Climactic selling. Hold for at least a month.
  • Quran verses on death
    [2:28] How do you deny Allah and you were dead and He gave you life? Again He will cause you to die and again bring you to life, then you shall be brought back to Him.[2:46] Who know that they shall meet their Lord and that they shall re- turn to Him.[2:154] And do not speak of those who are slain in Allah’s way as dead; nay, (they are) alive, but you do not perceive.[3:145] And a soul will not die but with the permission of Allah the term is fixed; and whoever desires the reward of this world, I … Read more
  • Hypocrites cruising on 100% backfire rate…
    The Quran states that those that intentionally fabricate a lie against Allah are doing the worst sin. The Satanists keep thinking they can go to Paradise and avoid Hellfire by being as wicked as possible. They continuously mock Allah’s signs and invent sick lies about Allah. People who invent lies about Allah are doomed to lose. Everything the enemies throw at me instantly backfires for the last 12 years. They act all knowing and all powerful cause they hide like cowards. They think the Facebook is discouraging me while it is actually motivating me. “Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, … Read more
  • Amazing Quran verses
    “Should you be martyred or die in the cause of Allah, then His forgiveness and mercy are far better than whatever ˹wealth˺ those ˹who stay behind˺ accumulate.” -Quran “Never think of those martyred in the cause of Allah as dead. In fact, they are alive with their Lord, well provided for—“ -Quran “Those who disbelieve should not think that living longer is good for them. They are only given more time to increase in sin, and they will suffer a humiliating punishment.” -Quran “Indeed, Allah has heard those ˹among the Jews˺ who said, “Allah is poor; we are rich!” We … Read more
  • Bitcoin is going to 200,000 next year
  • 20 top Hadiths
  • Top Quran verses
  • Quran verses on Hellfire
  • Quran verses on Satan
    Quran: And never let Satan avert you. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy. Quran: He had already led astray from among you much of creation, so did you not use reason? Quran: O mankind, indeed the promise of Allah is truth, so let not the worldly life delude you and be not deceived about Allah by the Deceiver, Indeed, Satan is an enemy to you; so take him as an enemy. He only invites his party to be among the companions of the Blaze. Quran: O believers! Do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Whoever follows Satan’s footsteps, … Read more
  • Corona stands for Coronation of Christ
    “When they became oblivious to warnings, We showered them with everything they desired. But just as they became prideful of what they were given, We seized them by surprise, then they instantly fell into despair!” -Quran Coronavirus indicates that Bill Gates is being cursed with 5 billion+ man years of damage from the Ritika Dutta cases. Assuming I am cursing my enemies billion+ times more, that means each minute of imprisonment for me is like imprisoning Bill Gates for 2000 years. 1 billion minutes is 2000 years. The enemies think they can win by being as wicked as possible and … Read more
  • Cholo gangster pride MAFIA POWER
    Pretty soon I can torture, kill or imprison anyone I want to. Democracy is such a joke. The Bible and Quran says that a majority of people will be misled to Hell. The Hadiths state that 99.9% of people will go to Hell. The vast majority of people are ignorant, dumb and wicked. You can just about convince them of anything. Society has relegated authority and money to the wicked people.
  • Going for maximum punishment
    The Satanists still use sick lies 80+ years old against the Germans(Holocaust myth). The Satanists still use sick lies 20+ years old against the Muslims(911 Hoax). The Satanists still use sick lies 12 years against me(my mental health). If they had the option, they would do it forever. I have decided that everyone in the Satanic bloodlines and many more of their posse will get maximum punishment in Hellfire. The scripture says that there are 7 level of Hellfire. For the Ritika case I was imprisoned for 1013 days, had my rights taken away, tortured thousands of times over verbal … Read more
  • Favorite Quran verses
    [Quran 14:22] And the devil will say, after the judgment had been issued, “Allah has promised you the truthful promise, and I promised you, but I broke my promise. I had no power over you; I simply invited you, and you accepted my invitation. Therefore, do not blame me, and blame only yourselves. My complaining cannot help you, nor can your complaining help me. I have disbelieved in your idolizing me. The transgressors have incurred a painful retribution.” [Quran 6:112] We have permitted the enemies of every prophet – human and jinn devils – to inspire in each other fancy words, in order to deceive. Had your … Read more
  • Aliens turning hostile… “soon”…
    Judgement Day from the Quran is coming. Islam is the true religion. Islam is the fastest growing religion and has the largest cumulative prayer strength. I am the ultimate intercessor. I decide who goes to Paradise and Hellfire. Allah is infinite of Satan. INSHALLAH!!! ALLAHU AKBAR!!!! The Satanists are trying to go to Paradise by being as wicked as possible. They are sick in the head. There will not be an atom of injustice in the Universe. The wicked will get their punishment and the righteous will get their reward. 99.9% of people are going to Hellfire. Figures that a … Read more
  • Short SBUX
    Buying climax, upthrust, absorption volumes.
  • Short AMD
    Buying climax, upthrust, absorption volumes.
  • Short INTC
    Buying climax, upthrust, absorption volumes.
  • The cowards keep getting more cowardly
    So basically about a 1000 Rothschilds have about $300 trillion in wealth. They control all the central banks, media, governments, corporations, courts and more. They are responsible for all the recessions, terrorist attacks and wars. They formed and love Israel. All the billionaires, politicians and celebrities worship them. All of the elite are dead scared of them. The Rothschilds are Satan’s family. My family is Allah’s family. The Rothschilds are dead scared of my family. Allah is infinite of Satan according to scripture. So far in the last 13 years I have prematurely killed several hundred Rothschilds, aged them $500 … Read more
  • Flush long GOOG
    Selling climax, shakeout, absorption volumes.
  • Short VZ
    Buying climax, upthrust, professional supply.
  • Short NFLX
    Buying climax, upthrust. Professional supply, retail demand. Absorption volumes.
  • The enemy is getting dumber at an accelerating pace…
    Everything the enemy does, they think at the moment it will work. That is why they do it. But every single thing they have thrown at me over the last 12 years has thoroughly backfired. This is out of millions of things. Since the Norway massacre, the enemies have been doing everything possible to force me to give up my religious views. They love to lie big at every opportunity they get. On Facebook they keep mocking me with big lies, front money scams and acting dumb. I wanted to note, is that if my religious beliefs were correct, they … Read more
  • Showing the Jews a REAL Holocaust
    https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/saudi/etc/textbooks.html Congratulating Hamas on the hit since last Saturday. Mahdi called in the attack. Anyways, I get happy when Israeli Jews are killed, captured or injured. I am super happy. Muhammad said there will be a global genocide of Jews before I become King of the World. I am looking to feeding dog shit and piss to high level Satanists like Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Bilderbergers and more. Then CRUCIFYING them naked for the World to see. They messed with the wrong person. They can’t even hurt the bone or flesh of me or my family. I am predestined to do things … Read more
  • Short MRTX
    Buying climax, upthrust, professional supply, retail buying.
  • How I would run the USA(updated)
    Firstly I would eliminate all taxes and impose a 2% wealth tax, $3 per gallon gas tax and 10% VAT. I would abolish the Federal Reserve. I would eliminate psychiatry, speed limits, gun laws, drug laws. I would limit military expenditure to 1% of GDP(75% cut from current levels). I would have $20K per year funding for 15 years of education for each child(K-12 grades, 2 years college). If they opt out of public education, they get a voucher. I would have nationalized healthcare. If they opt out of nationalized healthcare, they get a voucher. I would cut law enforcement … Read more
  • I value each second…
    Well in excess of a billion dollars… “A place in Paradise as small as a bow is better than all that upon which the sun rises and sets.” -Muhammad “From those who have rejected the truth and died in disbelief, no ransom will be accepted even though they may pay a whole earth of gold. They will suffer a painful torment and no one will help them.” -Quran The Quran values going to Paradise above earth weight gold. That means each second of prayer is worth well in excess of quadrillion dollars. Jail was the most productive time period of … Read more
  • Short JBL
    Upthrust, buying climax, professional supply.
  • Evolution is impossible mathematically…
    Look, basically people are very dumb with large numbers. They think that “coincidence” can explain everything. Let me first go into the science of experiencing 11:11. Lets say for instance you see the number 11:11, 1 in 100 times you see the clock, when there is 720 different possible times. Statistically that means 720% more likely. Lets say for instance you see the clock 20 times a day. This equates to seeing 11:11 on average once every 5 days. So assuming you see 11:11 once every 5 days on average while looking at the clock 20 times a day, that … Read more
  • Everything they do instantly backfires…
    Okay, so basically, the Satanists started their operation of foul play against me at around the time of the Norway Massacre(July 22 2011). The Norway Massacre happened the day I was in Geneva Switzerland to accept my prize for winning a trading contest out of over 1000 people. That day they had one of Bill Gates’s Norwegian frontmen and relatives of Taylor Swift(her real legal name is Allison Solberg) open up a Panama corporation for me in Panama named Ghosh Solberg. Initially Rothschild wanted me to marry Taylor Swift. One thing to note, in BIll Gates’s mugshot from age 22 … Read more
  • 5 years since San Mateo arrest…
    When they arrested me on September 14 2018, I knew that everything the enemy would do will backfire. And indeed it did. They arrested me when Hurricane Florence made landfall. The only person I know to work for the San Mateo DA office was also the only person with the name Florence. This implied a trillion to one odds statistically for familiarity of elements. Just based on this it implied 99.9999999999% chance I kill the San Mateo DA’s. The person who filed the case Ritika Dutta, I was released from Juvenile Hall on her 10th birthday. Adding this to the … Read more
  • Cowardly enemies getting dumber at accelerating pace….
    Okay so basically, the cowardly enemies keep getting dumber at an accelerating pace. Everything they throw at me instantly backfires. Okay firstly, they sent this John Michael Williams guy on LinkedIn to convince me I am schizophrenic. For one thing, his name is a reference to John Nash, Michael Sussinian, Michael Makhinson and William Gates. Michael Sussinian and Michael Makhinson were the main psychiatrists that abused me during San Mateo case claiming I was gravely disabled. The psychiatrists claimed I was a “John Nash”. Furthermore, William is the long form of Bill Gates’s first name. The chances of this is … Read more
  • Still alive….
    So the enemies went on the offensive lately. Family poisoned, website disabled and power disconnected. Nothing can stop us. We are Allah’s family. Feel happier and luckier than ever.
  • Still seeing weakness on markets
    Too much retail buying. Volumes too thin on upbars. Bearish volume divergence. No demand…