Cowards cruising on 100% backfire rate…

Everything the Satanists have thrown at me the last 13 years instantly backfires on them. They act all knowing and all powerful because they hide like cowards. I wanted to point out that my persecution started around the time of the Norway massacre. Since then I have been enslaved. The Satanists think I don’t deserve ... Read More

Enemies getting dumber at an accelerating pace…

Basically the Satanists are scared I can overpower them with my religious views. They just had Justin Le Blanc tell a bunch of big lies to me to try to crash my spirit and discourage my religious views. Instead my religious views have been strengthened. I will point out he fabricated the following big lies ... Read More

11th imprisonment soon

Things are heating up a little bit. I am sensing that I will be imprisoned soon. The Iranians will soon publicly support me. Iran will soon have a new President and Foreign Minister. I killed their previous President and Foreign Minister in May because they took bribes from Satanists and refused to publicly support me. ... Read More

Markets will crash soon

Markets are rising on 4 year low volumes. Distribution, professional supply, no demand, buying climax.

Continued persecution…

Basically, Bill Gates stole billions of dollars of intellectual property from me and then put me into the mental health system at the age of 21. He did this so that no one would believe what I was saying. I was placed into the mental health system the day of Facebook IPO. The IPO valuation ... Read More

Markets will crash soon

QQQ and SPY are rising on thinnest volumes in 3 years these last 2 weeks. Retail buying, no demand, professional supply, distribution.


I tortured and killed Bill Gates’ mom and dad. I cursed him over 5 billion man years damage. I cursed his friends and family with terminal illnesses. He is too scared to confront me about it. He worships Satan, I worship Allah. Allah is infinite of Satan. Bill Gates acts all knowing and all powerful ... Read More

Ritika Dutta services…

I was held on 1157 days of prison credits for committing Penal Code 646 of California statute against Ritika Dutta, Shamik Mascharak and Srijita Sarkar. Penal Code 646 states that anyone who annoys another person can be held for up to 6 years in prison. I wanted to note at no point did I ever ... Read More

Raisi helicopter crash

The Raisi helicopter crash is related to Kobe Bryant death, Flight 1380, Da Vinci Code movie, San Bernardino massacre, Ray Kurzweil and Sandy Hook massacre. I have a update to when Judgement Day takes place. It will take place at any point before I turn 34(October 5, 2024). Anyways, things are going very well. I ... Read More

King of the World soon…

Judgement Day from the Bible and Quran soon. Either May 24 or June 14. Aliens will turn hostile and enforce my rule. I live the luckiest life ever. Bill Gates is the unluckiest man ever. The best option he has in his life at this point is to give a public apology and murder-suicide his ... Read More