Bill Coward Gates. The Coward of Humanity.


I tortured and killed Bill Gates’ mom and dad. I cursed him over 5 billion man years damage. I cursed his friends and family with terminal illnesses. He is too scared to confront me about it. He worships Satan, I worship Allah. Allah is infinite of Satan. Bill Gates acts all knowing and all powerful because he hides as a coward. He keeps on disparaging himself, his family and his friends. He keeps on becoming a bigger joke each second. Everything he does instantly backfires. Greater the pride, greater the fall. Bill Gates is the unluckiest person ever born. I am the luckiest.

Justin Le Blanc, Amelia Diedrich, Aaron French, Norms Shapiro, Jeffrey Finegan, Michael Sussinian, Arka Advaryu, Shamik Mascharak, Steven La Berg, Ritika Dutta, Charlie Wilson, Benjamin Netanyahu and many others taught me to always play hardball. Allah is infinite of Satan. I strike back infinitely stronger. I should note the Israelis are striking back 50 times harder on Palestinians. The virus shows at minimum I should strike back billion times harder on my enemies.

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