Covid damages


The virus has done on an actuarial basis at minimum $60 trillion dollars damage over the last 5 years. I ordered the release of the virus in response to my persecution. The actuarial damage from the virus is a measure of my opportunity loss from persecution since the Norway Massacre. I should note my statistical models imply that hurricanes, pandemics, plane crashes, train crashes, shootings, fires and solar flares, are based on me by 99.999999999999999%+ certainty.

  1. Global governments spent at least $15 trillion in stimulus measures. The stimulus is simply borrowing growth from the future. The stimulus has resulted in higher inflation and interest rate levels.
  2. We have lost over $15 trillion in GDP over the last 5 years due to the lockdown measures. My estimates are that long-term GDP will be at least 3% lower due to the lockdowns.
  3. My estimates are that the virus prematurely killed about 30 million people. The damage from this is at least $15 trillion.
  4. The virus has caused significant temporary and permanent organ damage. The damage from this is at least $15 trillion.
  5. The virus continues to do an actuarial damage of at least $100 billion a week currently. I believe there is a very high chance we can see things trillions of times larger than the virus in the coming months.
  6. In terms of “man years”, the damage is in excess of 4 billion man years. I believe I am cursing high-level Satanists above googol dollars a second. This high amount is due to the “compounding nature” of productivity.

I believe if the Satanists didn’t persecute me since the Norway Massacre, I would have been number one on Forbes for the last 10+ years and currently over hundred times richer than Elon Musk. I would have saturated global markets years ago and reinvested the profits into quantum computing, artificial intelligence and robotics.

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