Satanists losing at record pace…


The “all-knowing, all-correct, all-powerful” 13 Cowardly Filthy Satanic Bloodlines. Hiding behind anonymous names, coward pawns, false authority with $2 badges and backing off as broke con mans. Having a 100% backfire rate on everything they do. Greater the Pride, Greater the Fall. The Losers of Humanity. The Loser of the Loser of the Losers. The Cowards of Humanity. The Coward of the Coward of the Cowards. Setup to be mocked, insulted, humiliated and hated for ALL ETERNITY!!!!!

Allah can see everything in the past, present and future. Satan can only see the present moment. Allah limits and controls Satan. Allah can bind Satan. Satan can only harm a person with the permission of Allah. Nothing can frustrate the will of Allah. Allah controls every action, thought and perception of Satanists. Satan and Satanists are delusional to think they have any chance.

[Quran 14:22] And the devil will say, after the judgment had been issued, “Allah has promised you the truthful promise, and I promised you, but I broke my promise. I had no power over you; I simply invited you, and you accepted my invitation. Therefore, do not blame me, and blame only yourselves. My complaining cannot help you, nor can your complaining help me. I have disbelieved in your idolizing me. The transgressors have incurred a painful retribution.”

[Quran 6:112] We have permitted the enemies of every prophet – human and jinn devils – to inspire in each other fancy words, in order to deceive. Had your Lord willed, they would not have done it. You shall disregard them and their fabrications.

[Quran 57:13] On that day, the hypocrite men and women will say to those who believed, “Please allow us to absorb some of your light.” It will be said, “Go back behind you, and seek light.” A barrier will be set up between them, whose gate separates mercy on the inner side, from retribution on the outer side.

[Quran 61:11] Believe in Allah and His messenger and strive in the cause of Allah with your money and your lives. This is the best deal for you, if you only knew.

[Quran 61:12] In return, He forgives your sins, and admits you into gardens with flowing streams, with beautiful mansions in the gardens of Eden. This is the greatest triumph.

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