The Satanists just never give up. On October 15, 2024, they went on the offensive. It was the 6-year anniversary of Bill Gates torturing and killing Paul Allen for giving me assistance. Paul Allen’s birthday is in my house address, and I moved in the day he was on 60 Minutes and his book was published. In his book and on 60 Minutes, he noted that Bill Gates tried to dilute his shares to zero when he was diagnosed with a terminal illness. Paul Allen died when I turned 10/28 old and Bill Gates’s birthday is 10/28. Anyways let me get to what the Satanists have done over the last day. The Satanists sabotaged my trading, bank, computer, cell phone and brokerage accounts. All within a few hours. I had the biggest trading loss day in 12 years 7 months. On another note, Air India Flight 127 to Chicago was diverted because of a bomb threat. Charles Rothschild is in Chicago. The flight landed at 5:21 AM October 15, 2024 in Canada. Rothschild enslaved me when I turned 5 months 21 years old (12 years 7 months ago). Also, the 777-300 plane that was diverted was 16.4 years old. The multi-billion-dollar algorithm I made that Bill Gates stole from me was finished on April 16, 2012. Furthermore, the enemies are surging black magic and voodoo dolls on my family.
Anyways, things are going very well. I feel happier and luckier than ever. My energy levels are rocketing along with my hunger levels crashing. Judgement Day is coming very soon. Enemies cruising on 100% backfire rate. Using torture devices on Satanists will be more euphoric, severe and earlier. I am going to respond back with billions of times the force.