Google 22nd Anniversary September 4, 2020 7 PM PST


I’m going to have to say that Microsoft and Facebook have been soiled very heavily by the activity of their leadership. Particularly from the Anti-Christs. I’m requesting a public apology by September 4, 2020 7 PM PST for what was done to me and everyone improperly by them and their organizations. Everything wicked. Beyond that I’m looking at the United States of America leadership to give a public apology for transgressions. I’m offering “mitigation” based on the level of apology and behavior. People distancing themselves from Gates and Zuckerberg will be favored. People rebuking Gates and Zuckerberg will be massively favored. I also want apologies from sources such as Los Angeles, San Mateo, Menlo Park, State of California and Kaiser Permanente that were involved in my case. Now let me make this clear the leadership speaks for them and their employees. If there is any flouting, that’s it, I’m running out patience. This is like negotiating for a plea deal.

Particular elements to discuss:

  1. Contempt of Christ and Muhammad
  2. Contempt of God and religion
  3. Contempt of Humanity
  4. Espionage
  5. September 11, 2001. July 7, 2005. November 13, 2015
  6. War on Terror
  7. Central Banking
  8. World War I
  9. World War II
  10. Russian Revolution
  11. Drug War
  12. Japan earthquake
  13. Indian Ocean earthquake
  14. Christchurch earthquake

Now I’ll be honest, I expect flouting by the wicked. To be honest, I just want whats best for all parties involved. It’s clear cut that the wicked are idiots. They want to get to Paradise by doing Hell-fire worthy actions. 

Anyways, some Facebook taunting:

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